One of the best flash movies ive ever seen. but tom cruise isnt that stupid
One of the best flash movies ive ever seen. but tom cruise isnt that stupid
youve done it again
lolled all the way. Will humans and robots ever live in peace oppa...optapattmus? BLLAAAGRRRH XD
ohh it a snake!
great, funny...
...but thats why i dont ride the bus
i have some theories
"our hero" in this is hank, without all the work done after all those injurys in the yet to come madness. i also belive that the clown was secretly watching all of this,it was a park,and where do clowns work? im not sure, but i think the men killed come back as the soldiers with yellow blood in later animation. i konw these sound stupid, but could you answer me some how on these? 10/10 5/5
not too good, decent though. better than the crap i do.
i never thought pico would have such a nasaly voice this is great
Hio! It is I the mighty AngryPurple. Check out my site (www.angrysunite.wee and my youtube (AngryPurpleStudios)
Movie making/Flash
Oh Crap there on to me
Joined on 6/23/11